

 Athene Consult

Dries Van Nieuwenhuyse


        Performance Management Coach and Decision-Making Facilitator



The significant problems we face cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them.

Albert Einstein

Why do Performance Management initiatives fail?

Performance Management is often frustrating. A strategy is formulated resulting in data warehousing, visualization and reporting of data. One thinks that all answers are simply popping up from the systems. Performance Management is sometimes seen as a kind of holy grail, but it appears that more is needed to get there...

Investments are meaningless unless they are linked to business objectives, analysis, studies, decisions and actions that result in increased profitability and performance. Many projects are not successful because they are not systematically investigating how this can be embedded in value-creating business processes. They don’t really result into real changes in the processes needed to create value, mostly due to lack of a rigorous business requirement analysis.

Failures have usually little to do with poor design, construction or deployment of technical infrastructure... The problem rather lays in the absence of the incorporation of the ROI in the overall process and the lack of willingness to adopt another way of working. Recognition of what goes wrong helps finding cures for change and ultimately better performance…

Understanding what goes wrong…
Finding the leader of the pack…
Building awareness through gamification…
Decision-making culture audit – Change management roadmap…


Athene Consult

Dries Van Nieuwenhuyse


Speistraat 17

9550 Sint-Lievens-Esse

Tf: +32 54 503 789

GSM : +32 474 97 54 13


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BTW Nr: 0560.937.934




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